Tuesday, July 24, 2012

we're shifting around

hello! it's the TRDR team (thank you to our fan that named us -- that is now our official name ^.^)

we want you to know that we're adjusting The Rainy Day Reporter site around! we might be down for a few days at a time :( but we will try to get the process done ASAP! it'll only be minor shifting and we'll let you know of our new developments. what would YOU like to see on the new TRDR? comments please! ^.^


  1. Hi I'm An Ex- Blog Owner As Well :) My Blog Spiked When I Added A Search Bar & Advertissements To My Blog. That Would Probably Help You :)

  2. Jane R. who really wants to be a blogger...!!July 25, 2012 at 11:06 AM

    are you looking for more authorssssssss:))) cuz i really would like to be on the teammmm::))))

    1. Dear Jane R.,
      Thanks for your enthusiasm! However, we are not currently looking for new authors. We will let you know when our team is in need of assistance! :)
      The TRDR Team
